
By Shonie

'One Last Throw'...Three fatal words.

Our little angel Nikita (flump) managed to cut both paws pretty badly on some glass. We were having a walk down the miley and there had obviously been some late night (probably under-age) drinking and smashed glass was just about everywhere, Nikita was off before we had even noticed. She has been limping really badly so we had to be strict and say her two least favourite words - 'No Ball'. This has not gone down so well, and I had not even realised how much she missed it until this week, her foot is back to better and for want of a better phrase it most definitely is balls away... So today daddy was at work early so we wrapped up warm and headed out with the ball chucker...and both dogs were in a totally awesome mood; its freezing but dry and bright with a winter sun so we were out for quite a while.
Nikita loves chasing the ball but she is a pretty amazing catcher, as you can see Bailey had already toodled off so we had some fun throwing and catching.
We are now back home, fire on, biscuits had and cup of tea in hand before I start work at 5pm.
I have also tidied, hoovered, cleaned the bathroom and am going to quickly get a chapter of the most boring book ever read for my tutorial tomorrow... All in all...a good day so far :)
Hope all you fellow Blippers are having an equally nice day.

S x

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