Just the Withers......

By JaneW

NEVER leave your cake unattended......

See,this is my Mums cake... she went away and I commando slithered up to the table,crawled underneath and POPPED up like a meerkat and VOILA the cake is MINE. Three birds.... I wanted three hundred but at 20p each I was far to tight of purse,so imagine behind me another 297 lined up.They are not edible birds.
So today is a milestone blip and to be honest I am such a lazy cow I never thought I would get to a hundred let alone three hundred.... I may as well go for the whole year now I have gotten this far ....
The photos for me have now come 2nd to the online chatting and friendships,thats what I look forward to the most,so thats why I get pissy when people go on about how a picture must be good,but hey'I have had that rant :D
Thank you to every single person who chats to me,I REALLY appreciate it and I often snort out loud at some of the comments,I love the abuse just as much as the lovely stuff ....you all know who you are,all you dailies especially :D

p.s I used royal icing on my custard bun.... my mum said it compliments it well... just as well really as she is getting a batch to take home ;)

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