Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Hat trick !!!

Did you see what I did there ... This is the third hat dooodahhhh ..

WORLD NEWS.. The most hateful thing has occurred .. THEY DO NOT SELL PECAN DANISH PASTRIES IN REDDITCH ANYMORE !! We were horrified... DDLC and I actually draped ourselves over the cabinet in distress.. I had to have a bakewell tart ... Gutted.

Thank you ALL so,so much for the lovely comments yesterday,you are all wonderful,no wonder I am so addicted to this place,you make it for me !!!!

If anyone comes across pecan Danish twists you must let me know... It's going to bother me for months....
I brought some cotton flannelette pyjamas today... Boy I am a sexy ;)

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT.. Me,Princess to the people,DDLC the baked turd and Moonchopsbigtits (and they are massive) x

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