Pretty Ballet clothes

2years 19days

Katie yesterday spent a long time twirling round in a "pretty ballet skirt and pretty ballet hat". The pretty ballet skirt was a tutu with beautiful little ribbons, as she said, very pretty. The pretty ballet hat? This knitted affair. Today the ensemble was added to - with sock-mittens and one of my necklaces. It took nearly 2hours to get her into "proper" clothes for going out. But the tutu went back on and stayed on the entire day.

She's had a very busy and fun day. She went to play with her friend Henry and family. They went to tea and toast, she ate a huge pile of toast and played with Aiden, Emma and friends. She went round tescos, then had lunch at theirs. Henry's mum was very impressed that when she said to Katie "right, time for a sleep" Katie just lay down in H's bed and went to sleep. They then went to see some of their friends with a huge playroom apparently! There were 4 babies for Katie to play with and lots of dolls. They picked H's big brother up from school then went back to their house. Some of the school mum's joined them for more play and tea, so she's had a non-stop day!

Mummy meanwhile has had a day packing, sorting, piling of things. Which Katie had trashed within two minutes of returning to the house, of course.

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