As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

I'm Shadeen And I Don't Believe In Gravity

I got up at six today hoping that showering in the morning would help me wake up. It didn't... I think I'm actually starting to enjoy math...I think it's the simplicity of being handed a sheet of problems, having the knowledge to solve them, and doing them on my own time. Dubin broke out into some Eminem today in English... Cahill was at a conference all day so Stu subbed and went over everything that will be on our quarterly tomorrow. Double bio went quicker than usual today. I received Jean-Baptiste Moliere as my subject for my Euro project. What do I wear to look like him...? I think I failed the gym test (just kidding, I could take it in my sleep), and Italian was...Italian. After school, we had a TED building session and explained what we had so far to Mc G. At the cross country end-of-season party we ate pizza and talked about the upcoming winter track season. Mikey drove me home and then I did homework before tutoring. Now I'm back home doing more homework...

My eyes will be permanently opened if I don't finish studying chem soon...

Word of the Day: Kef - A state of drowsy contentment

#31 ~ "I'm Shadeen and I always wear clothes."

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