As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Perri's (Wooden) Balls

We had Mr. Sir as a sub in math today. He's nice enough but every class turn into a history lesson... We took our chem quarterly today and a lot of us thought it was pretty easy. I'm so anxious to get my report card. In Italian we learned about archaeologists in Italy and how underpaid they are. *Mental note: scratch Italian archaeologist off list of possible careers* After school, we worked on our TED Rube machine from 2:20 to 6:30. We got a lot done and the whole machine is conceptualized. Almost all of it has been tested and I really think we have a chance at making an awesome machine by next Friday. So soon...

After that, the people that stayed the whole time went to the diner for dinner. We had a lovely meal and I hung out with Maureen afterwards. We got ice cream at Cold Stone and just talked for a while.

What a long day...

Word of the Day: Pansophy - Universal wisdom or knowledge

#32 ~ Candy is great motivation to get teenagers back to work.

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