As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Oh The Usual...

...just roaming from room to room in search of objects to include in our Rube Goldberg Machine.

That's our typical response when asked "What are you doing?"

So, it's official. Wantagh High School will be sending a team of students to the city to build a Rube Goldberg machine in the Times Center for the first-ever TED Youth Conference! WE'RE ALL SO EXCITED! We went to school today (on our day off) for four hours to plan and start building the machine. I would post a picture from the construction but that would ruin the surprise. Me and Shaymus went to Party City to get a tank of helium. That was exciting. We got about half of the machine conceptualized/built and we hope to have it all done by Thursday. Just think, we can do all this and still do all the work for the advanced classes we take. We should do this as a job... If any of you want a Rube Goldberg wedding-cake ceremony, we'll be there!

We worked hard and got a lot done. I'm really, really pumped for this conference.

MYO later, then more homework -__-

(View it in large)

Word of the Day: Plebiscite - A direct vote of the qualified voters of a state in regard tosome important public question

#30 ~ Rube Goldberg nerds are the best kind of nerds.

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