Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Free The Vintner six......

Trapped in hell.... in a hell that served excellent food and decent coffee and guess what I even had a couple of Vodka lime and Lemonades... the first drink in about 7 months.. christ I am a cheap date.
We have done this for the last three years,eaten at The Vintner... its an early birthday meal for me,as it is my actual birthday next Tuesday the 15th.. but a Friday works well as Jayne and Bubbs have to travel so need warning and Velvet frog needs notice as she owns a shop... so today it was.... and what fun !! we were there for four hours !!!
Then as a spur of the moment doodahhh Jayney and bubbs and I decided to go on the ghost tour,the one me and the bubbs went on a few weeks back and Jayney really enjoyed it but felt a 'little odd' .... that house does things to people I tell you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are now in Pjs and about to watch crap TV.

From left to right... Jayney,DDLC (glowing with self tan as usual)Moonchopsbigtits,me,bubbs and velvet frog (long story about Ali's nickname as it involves Mel Torme who had a had a voice that critics described as velvet FOG.. anyway I can't even remember the story properly but it also involved a trip to Beaconsfield and a porn magazine) xx

P.S I GOT LOADS AND LOADS OF PRESENTS FROM JAYNEY.. I was so spoilt and then I also got two new cushions from Velvet Froggy,which I may have sent links to xxxx

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