....we are a little crazy...

Crazy by Seal.

The daughter came home tonight and asked a surreal question......"Can I have a baby seal for Christmas?" She's been watching Frozen Planet....that David Attenborough has alot to answer for!

Bereft of ideas for a blip due to exhaustion from last night's massive cook-off....which has had hebs calling me Mr 6 Hobs all day......I went looking for Sammy the Seal, one of the Son and Heir's cuddly toys....couldn't find him any where...the Boss thinks he might be hiding in the loft, so I had to settle for a shot of this little seal knick-knack.

It's strange that the toy seal is called Sammy, because the S&H gave different names to all his soft toys.....Sammy Seal, Bob Rabbit, Ted Bear....but all his live pets were called Jimmy.....we had Jimmy the fish, Jimmy the mouse, Jimmy the hamster, Jimmy the stick insect, Jimmy the fish (again) and Jimmy the hamster(again). It wasn't until he was a teenager and got a pet rat that he suddenly stopped the Jimmy's....the rat was called Rodja!

The Boss phoned her brother tonight...followers of this blip will know he had a very serious motor bike accident earlier in the year. He's finally at home....but it's still a long road to recovery. He asked to speak to me tonight, the first time since the accident....we had a good long rabbit...unusual for blokes, I know........but it's one of the effects of the accident...he used to be incredibly laid back, taciturn even...now he's a chatterbox and he told me all about how he feels, what he does, how frustrating it is not to be able to do all the things he used to do, all his ailments and niggly pains, what he wants to do in the future. He speech is slightly slurred but to be honest it was so good to be talking to him when at one point we weren't even sure he'd survived that nothing else matters.

It's really brightened up my evening....we didn't go to the quiz tonight D has been struck down by the same plague that got us all a few weeks ago.

One more day at work, then it's the weekend.....Saturday afternoon with Charlie....fishing match Sunday.....and then the Russians will be here.....bring on the vodka!

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