Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Well, I'll Bee...

Weather: Smashing.
Washing: Done.
Sitting in garden with no socks on, watching 6-yr-old climb and swing and pretend she's really not trying to excite a post-op dog: Tick

Getting stressed out about teenagers and their social lives? No no no no no no no no no... As if...
Okay - well maybe a teeny bit
Well, all right - a fair bit

I'll just say repeating myself about lack of communication is getting MORE THAN A LITTLE BIT DULL NOW!!!

Rachel leans forward, slurps huge gulp of wine, puts glass down, takes a deep breath, smiles sweetly and continues

A few weeks ago I took a photo of a butterfly unexpectedly sunning itself in October, above my washing line, and today there was a bee taking advantage of a warm spell in the same spot.

He was very good about me reaching up and holding a camera in his face. Once again I am amazed that I actually got a picture. If you had seen me, you would have said, 'Standing on tiptoe, on one leg, holding a camera in the air with one hand and taking a photo of something you can't even see? No chance.
Ha ha. Chance.

My husband's gone to a party. He's put a very large glass of wine in front of me and told me to drink it all and then have another one so that I don't find him irritating when he comes home.


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