
By Northsea

Ths place is nuts!

So we had a good early art headed to the Syrian border to start the paperwork. Exiting Tkey w easy ough then we good stuck in the mined no mans land on a single track road with HGV's trying to go in both directions. Into Sya wasn't as tricky it had made out to be, but did involve lots of faffing and paying out. irst was the insurance $50, then the stamps $2, then the photocoping $3 then the tax for bringing a car in $95! Apparently theyre trying to deter those crossing the border to get the cheap fuel.
Finally after getting all checked in we headed to Aleppo to the Baron Hotel. On the way I was stopped by guy in a leather jacket with a AK47 . Tus out he was just the police checking what I was up to. A feeling of the crazyness of this place.
Aleppo is quite a tourist town, but us 5 are the only ones here at the minute. We have the whole town to ourselves. A wander around the amazing souk is where I spotted the nuts.

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