
2years 24days

She's done really well today. No accidents at all at nursery, and when I came for her, she was full of smiles. I took her to the toilet and she stayed outside the room afterwards to play peepo with one of her friends through the low "porthole" type windows that they have. They said that she's really good at remembering the other children's names and things now - they said at lunchtime she'll say "no that's India's, no that's Ben's" when they're passing out the cups. They also said that when she's happy now, she's so happy, such big smiles and cheeky fun.

She's insisting on taking a blanket as well as Monkey every day at the moment, not something she's ever done until about 10days ago. They said she will not go outside without it and drags it round with her. Today though they managed to persuade her that it was ok if Nicky held it whilst she played. Oh, and they did manage to locate Monkey, after putting mummy through the stress!

I had Aiden with me when I went for her, and they were so excited the whole way home, jabbering away to each other, clapping and waving. She was a little less amused when he wanted to play with her play kitchen; she told him "go over there and sit down Aidy". Quite firmly! But it didnt last long - the photo was taken almost immediately afterwards!

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