Here we go again!



This is particularly for my friends who are Zola specialists. I get a good laugh whenever I walk down avenue Emile Zola, passing the Zola Lavomatic, Zola Serrurie, etc. :)

Today was the coldest day here so far (6-8C). Up until now we've been snickering at the French people in their parkas. "You think this is cold? P'shaw!" But there were a few signs today that winter has come:

- It was still dark out when I got back from getting the morning baguette.

- I had coffee with a fellow Canadian today and she also agreed that it is getting chilly. (It's not just us!).

- The salad bar where Th and her friends go for lunch started serving soup.

- Advent calendars are for sale everywhere and the Christmas lights are up.

- The postman knocked on our door tonight to get his Christmas gift and give us a 2012 calendar.

- There is no one sitting outside at this café.

I guess it had to happen.

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