Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


Have been feeling a little... Blue...
I was meant to be back with Kings Of Leon tonight for photos, but alas, I have hurt my back, and it would be unwise for me to have gone. Thankfully, it was understood when I informed my contact that I wouldn't be there, and have been told I will be called upon next time Kings Of Leon are over my side of the planet.

Gearing up for Master Four Year Old's first of three orientation days. I should be excited... And I am. But I've had him with me all day, every day since he was born, with the exception of my stints in hospital following my car accident in '09, and his weekend visits to his father. It's only two hours he's at school tomorrow, but I really don't know what I'll do with myself. Relax has been suggested by numerous people. It will be hard to relax without my shadow following me around, talking to me, and bugging me with cuteness.

Anyway... Master Four Year Old took today's photo. We got blinded in the process. Damn flash! But, if previous photos of us hadn't shown just how alike we are... Check out the eye colour! I actually had to de-saturate the image a little. Our eyes are crazy blue!

Blue... *sigh*

Also, forgive my lack of comments/replies of late. For an unknown reason, I haven't been able to comment at all. :(

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