Five things

By fivethings

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

1. A morning full of meetings, the first with someone who tells me about a website that I can't wait to try.

2. I fancy doing something with my evening and it turns out that Gilly and George are going to the theatre. I'd forgotten I wanted to see Black Bird so badda bing, ticket bought and we're off.

3. We have dinner in Mono, which is really lovely - a salad with a main ingredient that I've never heard of. Unperturbed I order anyway. Turns out it's a big white radish. On the way we spot this big white reindeer.

4. I've never seen this play before and know it by reputation only. Even when performances aren't quite to my taste, the quality of this play shines through.

5. Not keen to miss out on a free lift we get dropped at Mulberry Street for another drink. George's pal joins us for an unplanned girls night.

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