Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


The mist was cold and grey this morning, damp on my face and making my beard wet!

Excited by the cold and wintery weather I cycled out beyond the city limits to the pastoral beauty of Grantchester, I spent time just peddling about letting my senses be overwhelmed by it all. The air devoid of wind and the wonderful stillness made the whole scene quite magical.

Robins were singing in the trees and mixed with blackbird song the effect was simply enchanting. Two hours drifted by, and then it was into town for coffee and then work!

The xmas lights are now adding a welcome cheer to the nights inky depths. I am very glad we have this winter celebration, imagine if we just trudged through these dark nights without it!!! The cycle home was grim in the damp pitch nether world of November!

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