RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

A+D Museum

We spent our "Wednesday out day" (we spend each Wednesday in wherever community our daughter's volleyball match is to be played that evening) at the Miracle Mile in downtown Los Angeles. Our first stop was the Architecture and Design Museum to view the Charles and Ray Eames exhibition. While not as extensive as we expected, the exhibit did make us consider the role design has played in everyone's lives (which I think was the point). This display of specialized scissors was accompanied by the quote:

"The problem of designing anything is in a sense the problem of designing a tool. And as in designing a tool it is usually wise to have a pretty clear idea of what you want the thing to do.
The need is to fill.
Its particular objective"

Other everyday items were on display throughout the space along with relevant quotes from one of the Eames' to clarify their inclusion.

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