Moremore painting

2years 27days

Katie was so excited this morning to go to see H&A! Although the excitement lasted a very short time - until Aiden stole and scoffed her toast in fact. She searched the room for her toast, couldnt work it out. I have to admit it was rather amusing. But after that she didnt much want Aiden near what she had. Understandable, according to toddler logic.

They were very pleased when I told them it was Montessori. Katie chanted "Montessori, Montessori, Montessori" all the time I was getting them in the car, setting off, and most of the way there. Of course, they ran immediately for the paintings, pretty autumn pictures today. Katie was first to abandon the paintbrush, in fact I think she started with her hands rather than the brush. She did two really lovely, definite "keeper" pictures. The swing was out for the first time in a good few weeks, much to Katie's delight. She decided to dress up as a pirate during the singing time, and danced about singing "i'm a pirate".

We had lunch together, with H&Katie sat at a childrens picnic table very proudly. Katie fell asleep in the car on the way to nursery this afternoon, waking briefly when I left. I arrived at 4.15 for her and she'd been up less than an hour. She'd slept for a further 2hr 15minutes, before one of her room staff reached the point of thinking "enough is enough" - I'd mentioned that 2hours is longest I will leave her to sleep. It took a meeting with the nursery manager to enable them to go through with wakening her! I have now signed a letter saying they can wake her after 90 minutes and not to let her sleep beyond 3pm. She was very happy when I arrived, but then she'd got a whole heap of energy, so no surprise!

Once in the car she said "go our house, find my kitchen". It was definitely the right choice of present, she absolutely loves it and is excited about going back to it every day. When she got home, she ate everything going (including her third bowl of cereal today!) and actually asked to go to bed at 7.30, and was asleep within 10minutes, despite the mammoth sleeping!

In other news, I have been kindly lent a dongle so have some internet access. HUZZAAHHH!!!!

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