
12 months 27 days

Hooray- we had a much better night! Not sleeping through, but way better. And she's eating really well for it today. I think being firm with her during the day and offering her solids when she wanted milk helped. But boy did she want last night's bedtime feed.

We had fun at tea and toast this morning, i just love seeing how much she has come on. She happily wanders across the hall to the toys. Bless her, she got clouted a couple of times but still had fun.

During her nap, a friend came round as she wanted some new pictures doing for her puppet website (she sells gorgeous puppets and is starting doing gruffalo puppets and story sacks, they're fab!)

She's got up and is full of smiles and bounce. At the moment, she has sat Monkey in her rocker chair and is stood at it, rocking him and chatting to him.

We're helping granny and grandad with a job this afternoon, so she'll be really glad to see them!

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