Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Birthday Beach at Laguna

Without a doubt our all time favorite spot on the coast is Laguna Beach. So going there for the continuation of my birthday celebration was fabulous.

This is a "drive-by shooting" of Main Beach in Laguna (for today we renamed it "Birthday" Beach) as Mr. Fun chauffered us (me and the three pooches). I was in the backseat with Max and Chloe and Mitzi was in the front seat with Mr. Fun -- when we rolled the dice, she won "shotgun"!

We decided to include the pooches in the birthday parade and take them with us. We hardly, almost never, take them with us. When "Bob Dog" was part of the family, we never left the house that he didn't go with us. It's a bit more difficult to take three pooches, but we decided to give it a try. We have one doggy carseat for the back seat and one for the front seat. Trust me, it is an interesting adventure. We think it is time to civilize these three and make them car-travel savy.

We arrived in Laguna to see the beach almost void of people. It was a beautiful day, but a bit chilly. We parked at the public library and Mr. Fun went into the "Friends of the LIbrary Store" to see if he could cop any good deals on DVDs or CDs. Of course he did. I stayed in the car to reassure the pups that Mr. Fun would be back shortly; and he was.

Then we took them to the Laguna Dog Park and let these three pups from the "Inland Empire" run and play with the pooches of the "elite at the beach." My gosh, they had so much fun.

The park is big and Mitzi especially ran as fast as she could; she just had a blast. She jumped and played and snuggled-up with several of the other dogs' moms. Max and little Chloe ran and played too. All three of them wore themselves ragged. That is exactly what we were hoping they would do because we wanted to go to dinner afterward and they would be left in the car and we were hoping for good behavior. We didn't care to come back and find that they had ripped the headliner out or chewed the steering wheel to pieces. ;-)

So when we got back in the car after the dog park, they curled into balls of snoozes. We drove a few blocks to our favorite little Italian restaurant and parked just outside the restaurant and were fortunate enough to get the little table in the front window so we could see the car. Only occasionally while we were eating did we see one of their little heads pop up to look out.

Dinner was delicous. I ordered olive oil & garlic sauce over angel hair pasta. The salad before and the bread all throughout our meal was yummy. Because it was still "birthday" celebration, Mr. Fun insisted that I have my favorite "spumoni" ice cream for dessert. Then we made our exit with full tummies.

As we drove the 45 minutes home through the darkness, I made sure Mr. Fun was wide awake as I talked and continually asked him questions to keep him engaged and focused. It had been a full day without a nap and I knew he was sleepy.

This has been a fabulous second day, or maybe twenty-second day, of birthday celebating. It's not over yet. I love, love, love, love, love, love birthdays. I love celebrating.

Thanks for reading this far -- you are amazing.
Good night from Southern California.
Birthday Rosie (& Mr. Fun and Chloe, Max, & Mitzi), aka Carol

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