Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

All that shimmers and shines

I'm a bit "bah humbug" about the rapidly approaching Christmas. Christmas and I do not have a good history together.

Personally, I hate the consumerism. I hate that it's about the only reason families come together anymore. And I hate that in a vastly athiest society, a Christian celebration has been embraced and turned into something that it was never intended to be. If society also embraced Ramadan, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, or any other celebrations from other religions, it wouldn't be so bad. But no.

And I especially hate that Christmas decorations are already up, and have been for some time. It's November. WHAT IS THE POINT?! Really?

So this isn't in the spirit of Christmas. It was just me taking advantage of my pretty new Nikon D5100 and the setting sun creating some nice solar flare to shine in just the right place. I want Christmas to hurry up, be over and done with, and to get on with seeing in the new year.

Bah humbug.

"I have found
All that shimmers in this world
Is sure to fade away again."
~ Shimmer - Fuel

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