Writer's Block

By writersblock

Oatmeal Cream Pie Cookies

Tonight I broke out the Kitchen Aid mixer and made oatmeal cream pie cookies to bring to dinner tomorrow. I found the recipe on Pinterest.com (quickly becoming my favorite way to pass the time in those rare moments when baby is napping and I find myself with a little "me" time) and it looked so good I had to try to make them myself (Tomorrow I'm making jalapeño crescent roll poppers, also found on the site!).

Through trial and error I learned how important it is to make the cookies a consistent size so that they "match" when you sandwich them together.

They look good! I hope everyone likes them!

AJ update: both of us have been battling a cold for the last few days. This is the third time she's been sick and I hate to see her try to breathe through her stuffy nose. I suck the snot out using a nose frida (an awesome invention!!) but she still looks so pitiful. We bought a humidifier to put in her room while she sleeps and that has really seemed to make a difference. Poor sick baby!!

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