The journey continues...

By Lbell

Curry para todos!

It was Synva's last day at the orphanage's just me and Naomi left now. I'm definitely going to miss her on a Wednesday, she's so good with the kids. It was an average day there today but for some reason Trinny has gone off me and enjoys saying/singing songs about 'fea Lauren' which means ugly Lauren. Oh dear.

I left early to make it home for the big night..Alexia and me cooking curry!! It actually turned out pretty well, even though Juan was in the kitchen every 10mins checking up on us lol but there were clean plates all round which is always a good sign! Julia served up a simple but effective desert to end the evening..strawberries and icecream :)

That's Juan and Julia in the pic, the couple I live with. And then Alexia and Margaret at the back!

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