A confused genius

By Lez11

I won't dance- Fred Astaire

The sad news broke today that Gary speed a player I used to admire when I was younger had committed suicide at the age of 42. I dont understand suicide as you must be in such a lonely place to end your own life. Some people say it selfish as it affects everyone around you but unless you are in that lonely, depressed state it is hard to understand and comprehend.

I Watched step up 3 last night and wished I could dance like that. Then I realised if the cast if step up 3 would have been a v-festival this year whilst dizzy was on there would have been a crazy dance jam battle. Granted my mates and i would embarrass ourselves but winning isn't everything.

You know when a woman is lying, she says i have a migraine, a perfect excuses, Classic in fact. I Would love to know what a mans perfect excuss is, so I can use it?

Why are all Sundays boring? The only thing I look forward to is my traditional Sunday roast dinner with the family, which is weird as I'm not really a traditional type of person.

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