A confused genius

By Lez11

A sad day

I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm putting it down to my tea of pickled onion space raiders.

I was up and out the house 10minutes earlier than normal but just missed the earlier train. Suprise suprise the train I normally catch was late and the came to a standstill in Birmingham new street tunnel for 10 minutes.

When I got to work my sister text me to say that my aunties partner of 16 years had died this morning. It was really sad news as he is such a gentleman and all round good guy. He has been really ill for a while now with cancer and in a strange way I'm glad he is no longer suffering.

Finished work slightly earlier tonight so I could get home, get changed the get up Wolverhampton for the wolves vs milwall match tonight (pic). Yet again another loss and another poor performance.

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