A confused genius

By Lez11


My day started with optimism that my beloved wolves could get a result at Chelsea, how wrong I was. 7 minutes into the game 1-0 down and end up losing 3-0. At least being a wolves you are used to disappointment and when England lose and the country is in mourning it's like any other day for us. Dow fret and keep gooing!!

On a positive note I bet £5 each way on a 40-1 horse, fair along, in the Hennessy gold, and it finished 3rd, £55, cash back.

I'm amazed by psychology (thank you for spell checker). The way the brain works is amazing, years and years of evolution and natural selection and people still like heavy metal, Bhangra and the spice girls. Obviously Darwin was wrong or this genre would not exist.

Its a good job i dont write everything down what i thought on this blog as I would probably be put down or locked up in a mental institute. Actually I think people would start a charity just to help me

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