
2years 37days

It's been a fabulous day today. We started out at home doing a bit of lastminute gardening, in the hope of getting something in before the ground freezes for winter. We'll see if anything actually grows!

We then headed to Scarborough to the last of our "birthday season" parties, the 5th in our postnatal group collection of 2nd birthdays, little Oscar. The children charged round Playzone, although the hit of the morning was a motorbike balance bike they have! They ate a great party lunch, sat fairly impressively well, before a bit more charging round.

After the party, I took Katie to the beach for a bit. We both were very much in need of a trip beside the sea. Even half an hour did me a lot of good, and Katie definitely loved it. She was grinning even as I put her into her new winter puddlesuit and her wellies. She loved that all the dogs were allowed free now and coped admirably when about four came to say hello at once!

From the beach, we went up to visit her cousins. I was really pleased that she was excited to do that as these cousins she hasnt known all that well, but is building a lovely relationship with. She also very happily stayed with my sister in law whilst I popped out, only to the car, but it was nice seeing her confidence with her too. Her and Paolo had a huge midafternoon snack, before a slightly hyper 15minutes before we left!

The final call of the day was my Uncle's 70th birthday (not)party. Where Granny and Grandad were. And some different cousins. Katie loves big cousin Maddie, and Maddie loves little cousin Katie. They played beautifully with a car mat and cars, with Monkey and Maddie was totally thrilled to be able to help Katie get changed into her PJs before we came home.

One busy but fabulous day!!

(EDIT: I changed the blip. Whilst going through the party photos I found these and couldnt resist. Sorry) xx

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