Look at the snow!

13 months 6 days

This morning we woke up to more snow. Katie was really excited watching at the window, so I decided we'd bundle straight up and have a little walk in it. Big fleecy suit, big coat, hat, wellies, the works... but not mittens. Yesterdays succesful 'tuck the coat in the mittens, she can't pull them off' plan didn't wash today! She loved walking in it, if I held her hand. She was squealing with excitement and pointing at the flakes, trying to catch them.

We're went to a first birthday party today, bit of a post-natal group reunion, my group of 5 friends and babies. It was lovely, we've not seen some of them since postnatal group finished. We had a great time, all the babies ended up eating a shared party buffet from the tray of one highchair, not eating from their own plates! We had such a lovely time and Katie was distracted by a combination of snow and party bag that I didn't realise we had left without Monkey. And the party was held in a village quite fairly far out of town. However, they have been reunited and katie was massively delighted when she saw him.

After the party we met Granny and Grandad and took Katie out on her sledge for the first time. I think all four of us enjoyed this equally. Katie loved going down some very little hills, being caught at the bottom. We also fed the geese and ducks at the lake that we'd stopped near. We then went to the garden centre to lok at the pretty lights and decorations. Last year, Katie had been fascinated by their lights and this year was the same.

It was then time to go to my aunt and uncle's for my uncle's birthday dinner. Katie did really well, sat in her highchair troughing happily. She probably ate a full carrot! And she definitely ate the majority of a (Katie-sized) slice of cheesecake. She drank juice from a wine glass and a jolly nice time. Then fell asleep on a sofa. Just like Grandad.

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