Red Squirrel


Caterpillar & Hookah Required - Enquire Within

Well, I made it to Foxley Wood this afternoon and what an afternon it was. I suspected I'd find some gorgeous things, but got more than I bargained for! ROFL.
I found my main target, what I'd really been after, with the assistance of a VERY helpful woodsman. I noticed him working with his back to the main track and thought if anyone would know the whereabouts of blippable fungi he might. I have to confess I'd already noticed the long, blonde ponytail. But when he turned round I nearly fell over backwards! He has to be the most gorgeous looking guy I've set eyes on since I can't remember when.
I'm amazed what I said to him obviously made sense, and that what he said back even registered with me - I was so busy gawping. OMG. Unfortunately I also noticed he was wearing a wedding ring - damnation! I was tempted to ask if I could take a pic of him working - just as a record of Foxley of course (hehe) - but didn't have the courage.
I explained about blipping and the relevance of the fungi season. We had quite a good chat about fungi. He was most obliging and directed me to an area where he'd seen some Amanita Muscaria (better known as Fly Agaric) and Chanterelles a couple of weeks ago. He's also told me about some amazing bracket fungi at another site managed by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust beside Holt Hall - but that's a long way from mine solely for blipping fungi (though of course he obviously works there as well as at Foxley ... Mmmm. I can feel a drive to Holt coming on, lol)
After several minutes of chatting (gibberish probably in my case), we parted company and he strode off up the track toward where he was obviously going to work next. And as I watched I thought "Hmmmmm" - I had my camera at the ready and I just HAD to didn't I? So I have a furtive, quickly taken back view of him! LOL This is him!

I didn't find the Chanterelles, but in the area he'd directed me to I found what I'd mostly been targetting - the elusive Amanita. I spent well over an hour and a half exploring that area, found probably a dozen of them, and was delighted with the other stuff I found too. I've ID'd as many of them as I can (well hope I have them right) and they are:

Russula? (uncertain)

Boletus (pretty certain)

Piptoperus betulus (fairly certain)

Ganoderma aplanatum (fairly certain)

Ganoderma aplanatum from below.


False Oyster Mushroom (with fungus)?

Here's a slideshow of these and other shots I took of the same ones, plus one other.

Foxley Wood is the largest remaining area of ancient woodland in East Anglia, and is renowned for its bluebells. I discovered today that it's just as amazing in autum/winter too - for the staff as well as the nature!

I'm off work again tomorrow, maybe I should go back? Come to that maybe I should book the rest of the week off and go back every day - purely for fungi hunting of course! (If you believe that you'll believe anything! lol)

I have my music link - only one thing it could be ... my beloved Grace & co ... THIS!

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