Red Squirrel


Testing, Testing 1-2-3

After yesterday's soul-nourishing visit to Foxley Wood, and the eye-watering woodsman fungi I found there I was totally stumped as to what to blip today. It's been rainy, windy, cold and mostly grey all day. Even if the weather had been OK, I'd no time to get out for a walk of any sort as there were things I needed to get done indoors over the course of the day, since I'm back to work tomorrow. One priority has been to check out all my Christmas lights, which I did this afternoon. Luckily 11 sets are fine; 2 need replacing but I'd been thinking of maybe doing that anyway as they're old style bulb type rather than LED - I so hate having to go round a 160 bulb set checking for loose ones when the set won't light. Aaaargh!
As I looked at my rope light coiled on the floor, all lit up, I thought maybe something totally different and off-the-wall might be a good idea for today, in contrast to yesterday.
So, with a little help from the blipFoto editor, Ladies and Gentlemen I present - my rope light!
Normal service should be resumed tomorrow ... lol

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