Old bridge, Ahanagavanagh

A truly wild night - gale force wind and an incredible amount of rain! It eased off for a bit but is now back. Just as school was finishing we had a hail storm. In between that was a bit of sunshine, the odd rainbow and a lot of gusts!

This old bridge, reputedly 400 years old, spans the very beautifully named Ahanagavanagh river which passes the school. Ahanagavanagh means crossing of the calves or young cattle and there must have been a ford here in earlier times. If you look through the arch on the left you can see a big stone - there are several of these in the river and I think they must have been stepping stones. This road across the bridge was once the main road down the peninsula but in the 1840s a coastal roud was built and this old road and bridge are now very much a backwater. The water was gushing down this morning. Sometimes you can see the kingfisher zoom through the arches on its way down to the estuary.

Arthouse tonight, it's something dark and Danish - seems fitting!

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