Red Squirrel


Happisburgh - School and Lighthouse


First things first - Norfolk dialect being what it is the place name is pronounced Hazebruh, lol. I do so love Norfolk (or Naarf'k) dialect - it's lazy, chopping out syllables and letters to keep things short (Wymondham for instance is pronounced Wind'am).

This afternoon was a visit to 'Hazebruh', right on the North East coast. I was quite pleased about this, as I've never been there before, and hoped to get a close-up blip in daylight of the lighthouse there as it's very near the school. The lighthouse, which stands in the middle of a field a short distance from the sea, is quite a prestigious one - it's the only working one in all of East Anglia (more info here). It also, I was told by one of the teachers at the school, featured in the video for a song by the pop singer Ellie Goulding (who I'd never actually heard of before, but obviously have now!)

Sadly today, like yesterday, was a really busy one in the morning school, meaning that I spent much more than the allotted 3 hours there, thus had another day without a lunch break. So I had to go straight to the school once I arrived at Happisburgh with no time to detour to the lighthouse. However as I entered the village I passed the local playing field, stopped briefly and managed this shot of the school and top of the lighthouse from there (the back of the school is immediately to the left of the lighthouse). It was probably my only chance to blip the lighthouse as I'm not likely to revisit the village unless I have to return to the school at any time - it's an hour and a quarter drive from home and the lighthouse is the only thing there of interest to me (I'm not a lover of beaches so tend not to visit the coastal places).

At least I managed a blip of it anyway ....

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