Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

In vacant or in pensive mood ....

I can't quite recall where I've dragged this quote from but maybe some of my learned blip chums could advise. Anyway, here is Beloved and Mr Pink. He (Beloved) cooked us a lovely supper of leftovers and sausage in red wine. And it's only Thursday!

Maybe I'm having a bit of a reaction about:
- being in the motherland at the weekend
- touching base with the lovely people at Occupy Norwich
- getting stuck in with my camera at the rally in Norwich yesterday
- catching up with friends who are being pissed on and feeling unable to offer anything more than a listening ear
- having a bit of a wobble about how the f*** are me and Beloved going to pay the bills after our savings run out in February

Right here, right now, I feel very, very mixed up. Lots to be thankful for but lots to be angry and fearful about.

Tomorrow is a new day.

A day at a time.
A step at a time.
A breath at a time.


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