Not Jammies

2years 42days

We had a slightly better night, but in some ways a worse night. She first woke at 9pm! Then 11, but then slept til 4, dozed/fed on and off until 6, so that at least feels way better than getting up at 4am!

Yesterday, Katie was sent some fabulous monkey jammies, fleecy snuggly, lovely things. Problem is, Katie doesnt see separates as jammies. I showed her them and asked if she liked her new jammies. She replied "no, that's jammies" and picked up a onesie. But she loves the monkeys too. At bedtime, she insisted on putting them on, but wanted pjs too. I managed to get her to take the trousers off, but she had pjs and the jumper on for bed.

This morning, once she'd taken her pjs off, she wanted the trousers on. She's changed into her gymnastics tshirt now and is refusing to take the trousers off. So i'm going to go with the monkey trousers being funky joggers!

We've had such a lovely friday morning. We met Ava and her cousin & their mummies at the soft play. Katie had her first game of hide and seek! They had lots of fun. The christmas decorations are up now, and they've put some in cubby holes of the play frame, which Katie was fascinated by.

It was the first of the Christmas gymnastics classes - lots of Christmas music and games. They loved a "snowball game", dragging white balls along on hoops with scarfs tied on, they danced to Christmas songs. And of course went on the bars. Katie yet again raced to the front. But for the first time she had a really good go on the beam as well. She went over it a whole load of times, and was smiling away. During one song, the girls were across the room from each other. Katie ran right over to Bobbobs for a huge kiss and cuddle. Love our girls!

PS - two days in a row, no tears at nursery drop off!

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