Let Me Out!

2years 43days

The sun barely up, 7.45am, and Katie was at the french windows. Once I opened them and she realised it was rather chilly, she decided to stand at the door and tell me the colours of her toys. We had a MUCH better night. She slept through til 1am, a brief snuggle with mummy and then she slept til 5.30. I will accept that in preference to the last few days, for sure!

We pottered at home for a while, I'm working on the stuff for the "Katie, the second year in film" movie, ready for it to go to our editing team (a friend who's fabulous at that kind of thing helps out with her yearly round up dvd!) so she's pottering about with her friends. She's pulled several pairs of trousers from her drawers and was struggling to understand why they dont stay up on 12 inch tall teletubbies. Shortly after this photo, we went for a bath. She decided she was coming in and we stayed for about an hour. When we got out, she refused to wear "normal" clothes, determined to wear her fairy dress, which she paraded about in nearly all day.

She enjoyed swimming today, although it wasnt her usual teacher. They seemed to still have fun. As usual, they were a little uncooperative. She started on a bad footing though by changing the usual routine - the children all know the lesson starts with Humpty Dumptys on the side so just play until that! Katie was not interested in fishing today, she insisted on lots of push and glides (which she now says, quite cutely). We made a tunnel with the woggles which they all rather liked.

Granny and Grandad are going to be arriving when Katie is in bed, Mummy is going for a girly meal, the Mummies Christmas Do. I've got a new dress and everything!

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