A Shepherd's Warning

This colourful sky, which promised so much, disappeared and the sun only had time to make a desultory appearance through the trees shortly afterwards, when a prolonged shower of rain dashed our hopes for a while, before having a change of heart and allowing blue skies but leaving a decidedly cold, raw edge to the day.

His Lordship and I were on the look out for a Dower House sized Christmas tree, having given away all our Christmas decorations in the move. I think we thought that we would have no storage space for them, and being away over the festive period last year, we're only now realising we have nothing except a little robin from Gillipaw to hang on any tree.

We saw fibre optic trees which would have fitted the bill, but the prices were such that the Dower House is still a Christmas tree free zone, and the hunt goes on.

I have been recalled to the doctor's this afternoon to discuss my last week's blood results.
The speculation is rife: is it too red, too blue, too thin, too empty of the right things, too full of the wrong things? I will find out, but I have my suspicions.

It was obviously a mistake to feel too pleased with myself just because my blood pressure reading was the best yet. Self congratulation comes before a fall.

Watch this space.

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