Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Scotland The World Over

Bad day today. Missed pilates. Exhausted. Had to go out in the evening to meet some friends. I'd been thinking about Scotland The World Over and decided that I'd like to get a saltire shot in one of my favourite cafes, a lovely little chocolate shop full of wonderful delights produced in East Lothian. The printer refused to work, eventually it printed out my little saltire but then by the time I got to the cafe and got in to discussion about what M expected in the way of help for her wedding, I forgot all about it.

So here I am, back at home with a delicious take out slice of dairy free tart to celebrate reaching my weight loss goal this morning (counter productive, I know). To get the shot I had to cut out the tiny saltire from the photo in the example and even then it was hard to get it far enough away from the cake but not too close to the camera so that it was still lit and the right size!

Off to a first aid course tomorrow, planning on cycling down the canal so maybe if I'm feeling energetic enough (10 seconds on self timer isn't long) I might try for a HUBshot.

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