The journey continues...

By Lbell

Christmas countdown :)

Ok so this is the most ridiculous photo blog yet but it's the only photo I took yesterday as we didn't go to the VG house until midnight.
The photo is Alexia and Will who are both on the communications team here. The other night after we went out Alexia received an email from Will saying how well she looked and noone knows who sent it so Andy thought it would be funny to put that ^ as the desktop of the computers.

After a few drinks we went to a salsa club called Cuba Mia, it was actually incredible. In fact now I'm definitely going to go for some lessons. The music was amazing and there were so many people dancing. I even got asked 3 times to dance, although obviously with my lack of dancing skills I had to turn them down. It seemed so weird as I feel that at home girls don't really dance with guys unless they're, you know, hooking up but here people dance all sorts of dances and might not even talk to each other during it and then at the end they thank each other and walk away..I love it!

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