The journey continues...

By Lbell

I love Buenos Aires!

Although my alarm went off at half 9, 25 to 10 and 10 this morning, I didn't wake up til 12!
After showering I headed out straight away to achieve something with my day. I was on the search for a book on abortion and had a great walk about and nosey in the Florida area. I bought the book I was looking for and began the walk back to the apartment. On passing a cute little organic cafe I had a look at the menu and couldn't resist the sound of falafal, after tasting it at an Arabic restaurant, so I treated myself and spent an hour people watching in the busy city centre.
The rest of my day is a bit of a blur really as I didn't do any work and couldn't say what I did with the rest of my time. I did however download the Michael Buble christmas cd and I'm feeling very christmassy! Now I just need a tree and some decorations.

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