Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Four

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

To say it was freezing when I woke up this morning would be an understatement.

There was a fine blanket of snow on the hills outside and the indoor temperature was
only marginally less frosty.
Jeeze, does Nippy Wee Wifie not have central heating? Six degrees centigrade does not make for a happy dog.

We slept late this morning - NWW having rolled home around midnight after her dinner with friends. I had behaved myself quite well last night, sleeping in my crate for the most part and only having a short bark when I heard a neighbour go out to his car.

I was sooooooo pleased to see NWW when she came home. At first I barked and snarled as she came through the door but soon calmed down to hysterical tail wags when I realised she wasn't a burglar.

We didn't go for a walk or go to the stables this morning. Instead NWW let me have a pee and a poop in the garden then I sat and shivered while she looked at her computer screen and typed stuff.
I was shivering, not just with the cold, but because I was really needing another poop and didn't want to leave her side and run down to the front door to tell her.

She soon found out though. When we went back downstairs I sat in front of her, stared intently - then crapped on the carpet.

Her mouth made a big silent "OH" as she realised what I was doing. The leash was snapped on smartish and I was whisked back out into the garden. I was soooo apologetic and I was expecting a good thrashing to be honest but she never said a word.

Drama over and it was time to warm up the house. The big black metal thing was cold but NWW stirred and poked it then filled it with wood and bits of black stuff. Soon it was glowing red hot behind the glass and the room warmed up about twenty degrees in no time.

NWW had something to eat and I watched hungrily. Then it was my turn. I didn't get any of the delicious smelling stuff she had on her plate - instead it was biscuits in the box again. Ah well, I can see a pattern here.

A wee walk to the field beside the house found me snuffling amongst the snow flurries looking for beasties. I didn't find any - they were way too smart to come out into the cold.

And then it was time to settle down in front of the stove for a wee nap.

NWW says that we are going out again tomorrow - something about a vet visit - and jags.

JAGS? What are they? Why is NWW smirking when she mentions them?

I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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