Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home Day Five

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

It was snowing when I awakened just after five this morning.

This time the white stuff came all the way down the valley to the house.
Just a sprinkle though. Not deep, just enough to make pawprints on the path.

We had a lovely fresh walk when the sun came up and I enjoyed snuffling through the frosted long grass - searching for small creatures.

After breakfast - delicious stuff for the Nippy Wee Wifie and the usual biscuits in the box for me - we set out for the vets.
I was the only dog in the place which was a bit of a disappointment - I had rather hoped to cause some mayhem.

The young vet listened as NWW told him my story of misdemeanours and broken homes. She said that I had been quite well behaved with her - so far.

I endeavoured to rectify matters by snarling at the vet as he examined me on the table.
NWW was having none of it. She gripped the skin either side of my neck and ordered me to stand still, uttering that strange noise that she makes.

I don't know what "Aaaaatttt" means - and I'm not sure she does either - but it does serve as a warning that she's prepared to back it up with something more serious.
Whatever, it got my attention and I adjusted my attitude accordingly, allowing myself to be prodded and poked.

I went back to being a cute tail wagger when I was put back on the floor. The vet went away, came back again and NWW held my head. Apparently the vet stuck a needle between my shoulder blades and vaccinated me but I never felt a thing.
I was quite happy to sniff around the floor as they chatted once the deed was done.

On the way out NWW bought me a new collar. Not just any collar. A collar that lights up, that flashes. A collar that you can see for miles in the dark.
It's called a Halo and it's ...... PINK!!!!

It was the only colour available I suppose. NWW isn't really a pink sort of person.
Ah well.

Back home, NWW offered me a funny treat. It smelled meaty but it had a crunchy, chalky texture as I wolfed it down. Sneaky, sneaky woman - it was a worming tablet.
Who woulda known?

The temperature never got above freezing all day and we had the stove all stoked up and toasty.
Late in the afternoon we went for a longish walk and I got to walk near the banks of the river - the Galawater. It was fierce and roaring in places so I wasn't allowed too close.

So that was my day.

Tomorrow we are back on stable duties so I'm hoping to see my Border Terrier friends again.

And something called obedience class in the evening?

Yeah right. We'll see how that pans out.......

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