Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Six

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

Well I sinned - big time - today.

The day started off well enough with stable duties first thing this morning.
After the horses were put outside I was allowed into the stable while Nippy Wee Wifie mucked it out.
Border2 was hanging out in the stable too and I took exception to the fact that he was swanning about loose whilst I was tied up.
I snarled at him and had a snap. I didn't touch him, honest. It was more out of frustration I guess.
Border2 wandered off in disgust but NWW instantly came thundering across to give me a row.
"Enough" she shouted.
I nearly had a freak. She had a bloody pitch fork in her hand for goodness sake and I was convinced she was going to use it on me.
I growled at her.

BIG mistake.

Nippy Wee Wifie either has a death wish to be messing with me or she's got balls the size of Texas.
I decided it was the latter when out came the pointy finger and she got right in my face.


I hesitated. Are you serious This floor is covered in horse pee.
She was serious


I lay down, avoiding eye contact, but there was more.


I lay on my side exposing my belly, tail quivering, trying to look apologetic.

Instant praise, then she walked away and carried on as though nothing had happened.

Those games of "down" and "flat" that we've been playing all week maybe weren't games after all. They were preparing me for just such a time when I would challenge her.

NWW went and fetched Border2 and brought him back to the stable. We snuffled each other, friends once more and then the incident was forgotten about.
Walk in the woods as usual then home for relax time in front of the stove.

Evening brought a trip back to the city and a visit to the pet store - again.

This time I was fitted out with a muzzle in preparation for the obedience class.
Nippy Wee Wifey had earlier joked that she really needed a pair of chainsaw safety trousers - made out of kevlar. Personally I thought that was taking it too far. So, a muzzle it was - and a Halti headcollar too.
Jeeze, I seem to be getting rather a collection of bondage gear here.

Then it was off to the class.
There were a whole load of dogs there. I hated them all on sight and swore loudly at them. NWW filled in some forms, spoke to the instructor and resolutely kept me on tippy toes away from all my potential victims.
She decided that muzzling me from the outset was probably the best idea and set about fitting the beastly thing.

It didn't take her long to realise that this was a job best done without an interested audience so she marched me out of the hall away from the other dogs.
As soon as we were away from prying eyes I set up an almighty bloodcurdling shriek. Not a howl, or a bark, or a growl but a bone chilling, piercing cry that went on and on and on and...
I'm pretty sure all the humans thought that NWW was giving me a proper thrashing.

I submitted to the muzzle easily enough. Anything to get back into that hall and start killing things.
We walked back into the hall. She - head up, trying to look calm and composed. Me - doing a great impression of Hannibal Lecter


We took our place at the end of the line and then did walking exercises. Up and down. Down and up. I paid her scant attention but she didn't task me too much with many commands. After a while I calmed myself enough to allow her to make me sit fairly quietly. Loads of praise for that.

I stayed long enough to calm down to just below hysterical and then she took me home - finishing the evening on a good note.

Unfortunately I wasn't expelled and I've been invited to come back when the new course starts in January.
The mental strain took its toll and on arriving home I had a huge drink and then collapsed exhausted in my crate.
Too tired even to look at my photos and post my Blip.
So this is a back Blip.

Probably won't be my last either. Life is kinda hectic with Nippy Wee Wifie and I've got a feeling it's going to be that way for a while.

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