Tissue. Nose.

2years 46days

.... is what I am hearing a lot last night and today. She's had quite a cough through the night and the nose is a-flowing, bless her. She even insisted on not just sleeping in my bed, but in my arms for a fair bit of the night "no, Mummycuddles" she would tell me if I tried to lay her down. I wondered for a while whether she has slapcheek, as her right cheek is so red, but it's gone down a lot this morning, so I think its just on account of her teeth, as the top two have cut through the gum now - taking her to 14 teeth. She's drinking milk of every variety like its going out of fashion.

She's going to nursery, all the children are in a similar state anyway, so they're happy for them to come with coughs and colds. It's the last big day of term for me, although I've a few bits next week too, but I'm suspecting she'll sleep quite a bit of the day.

Edit - they rang at 12 saying she looked terrible and had been quite upset with herself from the coughing, which they said was really very nasty so I went for her. I booked a doctors appointment before I got there (you can't book them after 1, so I wouldnt have chance to see her first). I am so glad to have her home, it's not nice for her to be sad when she's poorly. Thankfully though, although she is not herself, not too great, she's ok and the cough, although not nice, is not chesty and her temp is. But she was so pleased to snuggle with Mummy and has had lots more snuggles since we got home. I have cancelled the doctors though. She's been switching between singing to her teddies and helping me start the tree decorating. Tinsel and lights are on, the baubles may wait till she's in bed, and the angel til she's up tomorrow to do that. Her job.

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