....wear a smile at Christmas.....

Charlotte visited again. She has a new toy...Pasha the cat's scratching post! She makes a bee line straight for it, pulls herself to standing and then plays with the toy mouse, bangs on the platform...even scratches her nails up and down the rope covered post!

At least it gives me a chance to get a smiling photograph.

The Boss even joked we should buy her one of her own for Christmas!

We had a treat for dinner tonight....something we've not had for a couple of years....take away pizza....it was absolutely delicious....a New Yorker, a Meat Treat and garlic bread. Nice warm full up feeling.....CSI to come..... then a shower........ and then into our bed with the cosy thicker winter duvet...like two bugs in a rug.

Pity it's a full day at work tomorrow for me.....while the Boss is out to lunch and then the Christmas Continental market in Manchester.......oh well, only two weeks to go to the holiday.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Dad has just rung.....Mum's elder sister has just passed away...another trip up North next week.....one of the facts of life as you get older.

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