Self indulgent

Self portrait tonight.
I set up the back bedroom as a studio - lights, backdrop, tripod, camera.
James was too busy on his xbox and I desperately wanted to tinker around with the gear, so emergency makeup was applied and James' hat was stolen, and I took a few shots of myself.
Partly because I have finally realised that if I can't be comfortable in front of a camera myself then it is going to be quite difficult to encourage people to relax when I am taking photos of them, if they are not themselves gregarious of nature.

the others are here - with some processing experiments

Yesterday's entry was technically Monday's entry - it's just I blipped too late! So I went to the Doctor's yesterday - Tuesday afternoon. No definite answers to the pain question, although some progress in terms of trials and solutions. One definite answer in terms of other symptoms - in non-lady speak (because it freaks MrSmith out), I am getting old before my time. Joy! I now have to continue with pain diary, paying attention to whether any specific foods set me off, and also record sleep disturbances as well (there's plenty). Oh, and I have to keep on with the anti-spasmodic tablets for at least another week, despite the fact that they make me feel as sick as a dog for about 90 minutes after taking them. However, I am feeling quite upbeat despite this as I really do feel like some progress is being made and I am being listened to.

Busy day today with the prison service visiting school for the day and the release of some data from OFSTED relating to school which I will have to spend the weekend analysing, just to check that it doesn't tell me anything I don't already know!

Other than that, and a nice 20 minutes and cup of coffee with Fisherking before driving home from work, it has been a relatively uneventful, but productive, day.

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