Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


"So. Her blipfoto calendar's arrived then."


"Not very big, is it?"

"No, but then I don't think she looked at the size before she ordered it."

"Ah. She's not happy with the paper quality though, is she."

"Nope. Bit thin and wiffly, not to mention it being the sort that shows up finger prints."

"And it wasn't cheap, was it?"

"Nope. £15, plus p&p!"

"They saw her coming, didn't they! Ah well, it serves her right for not including a picture of us in it"

"So, which poor sod's getting it as a Christmas present?"

"Tee hee! Good question, Fred. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

"Aye. Cuppa tea?"

"Cuppa tea."

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