Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

New Tripod

I bought a new tripod* yesterday. My old one was a hand-me-down camcorder tripod and whilst it'd served me well, it always held the camera on a slight wonk and I never quite trusted it not to part company with the camera if tilted.

The new one comes with various bits and bobs including this very attractive and handy hat, presumably to keep my head dry, or as some sort of camouflage.

What? Eh? Oh - apparantly it's not a hat, it's a bag.

A bag you're supposed to put stones in and tie to the legs for added stability. How dull.

I'm sure that a bottle of gin, a bottle of tonic and a bag of ice (for summer shoots) or a bottle of fine malt whisky (for winter shoots) will work just as well as some stones ;-)

*for those who like the techy stuff, it's a Velbon El Carmagne 530 with carbon fibre legs and a magnesium panhead and body. It also has neoprene leg warmers :-)

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