
By Appreciate

Christmas Friendship

Yes - 25 years ago I taught with this lovely lady in an American school. I was their token American but refused two things - to alter my spelling and to call rubbers erasers - was always good for a staff room shocker!

This year this lady and her husband celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary and out of the blue I received an email from a mutual friend asking me to write a fond memory about them for an anniversary memory book.

Fate? As I sifted through my addresses to update this years list for the envelope labels, I came across an email address of the mutual friend that I had actually lost contact with. I chanced it - and a message came right back!! Love life's jungle drums!

Well here I am at home as all schools closed here at noon. Flask full of water, soup made, bread making, fire on and stores of fuel at my finger tips - including candles and matches. Wind is my latest favourite weather as it scares me.

This tree is the big worry for me as I can estimate how invasive it would be were it to fall...gulp!

Hats on folks!

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