Simply Me

By Suze981

STORM: aka hurricane bawbag

Today is STORM day. Scotland is experiencing Hurricane Bawbag. Wind speeds need to reach 92mph in order to be classified as a hurricane, Fort William had winds of 130mph. This is now definitely a hurricane!

Despite one of my bosses (not the chocolate one) offering to send the rest of the office home early, I had to fight to be allowed to go home. I am very disgruntled as I live further away than all except 1 person. The winning strike was when Lothian and Borders Police advised that you should not drive in the region after 2pm. I insisted I was not comfortable staying and am now home for STORM day.

The Camembert is baking in the oven and Claire, Debbie and I are watching STORM videos on Facebook.

We stopped to see the waves at the beach on the way home and Claire almost got blown away. She survived though.

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