A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

He's watching You!!

Every year since the children were very small, I have tried to purchase a book (or video ) of some significance to our family.
When the children were little, it was often the case that they would stop what they were doing and cry out, 'How much do I love you?' and we would open our arms wide and reply ' THIS MUCH!!! 'When we reciprocated,they used to get tremendous fun out of trying to stretch their arms wider than the time before, or dream up similes to express their love for us and we them.
A few years ago, I found a book entitled 'How Much Do I love You?' The story and illustrtions were for young children but the excitement on my then teenage childrens faces when they saw the title, I will never forget.
This year I was lucky enough to discover the most beautifully illustrated book based on Santa which is now on display in the corner of the lounge ready for the now 'young adults' to browse when they arrive home.( a little bit of history therein for the more MATURE readers!)
It's strange, but like the Mona Lisa, his eyes seem to follow you wherever you are in the room! Have you noticed him almost peeping round the corner at me as I try to capture his likeness???I had better be good from now on!

Christmas Past
A Christmas Poem by Carice Williams
Each Christmas I remember
The ones of long ago;
I see our mantelpiece adorned
With stockings in a row.
Each Christmas finds me dreaming
Of days that used to be,
When we hid presents here and there,
For all the family.
Each Christmas I remember
The fragrance in the air,
Of roasting turkey and mince pies
And cookies everywhere.
Each Christmas finds me longing
For Christmases now past,
And I am back in childhood
As long as memories last.

Must rush---got to tidy round before leaving for London, to spend a few days with my FAVOURITE boy, my SON! Hopefully, I will find the time to keep Blipping, although they may be delayed in the uploading!Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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